Smoking meat

smokedIn this section I’ll give you information about the smoking of meat. By this I mean, for example bacon, ribs, ham, sausages and other meats which we will all discuss in detail. It will be fun to share all my experience so that you can enjoy the full flavor of smoked meat in the comfortable surroundings of your home.



We will go through different methods of  smoking meat. The coals, temperatures, gas smokers en many things more.

I will provide you with the most complicated recipes, but also the simple ones for beginners. Everybody can smoke meat. All you need to do is follow our instructions.


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Bo Frost

When Bo is not behind the grill, He can be found exploring new recipes, researching the latest grilling gadgets, or sharing his culinary adventures on social media. Join Bo Frost on as he embarks on a flavorful journey, unlocking the secrets to mastering outdoor cooking and creating unforgettable meals that bring people together.

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