Are Steaks Fattening? Find Out the Nutritional Profile!

July 6, 2024

Steaks are a popular food that is enjoyed around the world. But many people wonder, are steaks fattening? The answer is not so simple and depends on a few key factors. In this article, we will explore whether or not steaks are fattening, what makes them fattening, and tips for enjoying steak as part of a healthy diet.

The Nutritional Profile of Steak

Steak comes from beef and is considered a red meat. The cut or type of steak affects its nutrition profile. In general, an average 6-ounce broiled porterhouse steak contains:

  • Calories: 452
  • Fat: 38 grams
  • Saturated fat: 16 grams
  • Protein: 36 grams
  • Iron: 3 milligrams
  • Zinc: 5 milligrams
  • Vitamin B12: 2 micrograms

Steaks contain a high amount of fat and saturated fat compared to other protein sources. The fat content makes steak high in calories and contributes to its fattening potential. Specifically, saturated fat is concerning because consuming too much can raise LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. High LDL cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease.

However, steak also provides beneficial nutrition. It is an excellent source of protein, the building block of muscles and tissues. Steak contains heme-iron, the most absorbable form of iron that helps prevent anemia.

The zinc in steak supports the immune system. Steak provides vitamin B12, which aids red blood cell formation and neurological function.

So in moderation, steak can be part of a healthy diet. It provides high-quality protein, iron, zinc, and B vitamins. But the high saturated fat content can make steak fattening if consumed in excess.

Why Steaks Are Fattening?

There are a few key reasons why steaks can contribute to weight gain:

High in Calories

Steak is high in calories, with even a lean cut providing over 300 calories in a 4-ounce serving. The high fat content of steak significantly boosts the calorie count. Fat contains 9 calories per gram, compared to just 4 calories per gram of protein or carbohydrates. So the total calories add up quickly in higher fat cuts of steak.

Consuming more calories than your body burns will lead to weight gain over time. Just one 6-ounce T-bone steak can provide over 600 calories, which is 30% or more of your daily calorie needs. Eating high calorie foods like steak frequently can easily tip the calorie balance into a surplus.

High in Saturated Fat

The type of fat in steak also matters. Steak contains high amounts of saturated fat, ranging from 5-10 grams in a typical serving. Saturated fat is linked to increased visceral fat, the dangerous type that builds up around organs. In one study, people who ate a diet high in saturated fat for just 4 weeks accumulated more visceral fat.

Too much-saturated fat also causes fat to build up in the liver. Fatty liver disease is tied to abdominal obesity. So, the high saturated fat content of steak may promote fat gain around the belly area.

Nutrient Density

While steak contains beneficial nutrients like protein, iron, and zinc, it is not very nutrient-dense for its calorie cost. Nutrient-dense foods provide high amounts of micronutrients relative to their calorie content. But steak is relatively high in calories yet lower in nutrients like fiber, vitamin C, calcium, and potassium.

Choosing more nutrient-dense proteins, like fish, beans, or skinless chicken breast, may help support weight loss better than steak. They provide satisfying protein with less saturated fat and more beneficial nutrients.

Low in Fiber

Steak is completely lacking in fiber since it comes from animal muscle. Fiber plays an important role in weight management. It helps promote fullness, so you eat fewer calories. Fiber can also reduce fat absorption from foods. And it feeds the healthy bacteria in your gut linked to lower body weight.

Without any fiber, steak does not provide optimal satiety. You may end up overeating calories when pairing steak with starchy sides to feel full.

Tips for Enjoying Steak While Avoiding Weight Gain

If you love a great steak, you don’t necessarily have to avoid it for weight loss or maintenance. With some modifications, you can enjoy steak as part of a healthy diet. Here are some tips:

  • Choose leaner cuts. Go for round tip, top sirloin, or flank steak. They have the least amount of fat and calories. Always trim any visible fat before cooking.
  • Watch your serving sizes. Stick to 4-6 ounces of steak at a meal, which provides enough protein without too many calories.
  • Skip the fatty sauces. Compound butters, cream sauces, and cheese toppings will ramp up calories. Opt for chimichurri, salsa, or a drizzle of balsamic instead.
  • Load up on veggies. Fill half your plate with low-calorie, high-fiber vegetables to balance out the steak. Broccoli, asparagus, spinach, and kale are great options.
  • Avoid pairing with starchy carbs. Rice, potatoes, pasta, and bread provide excess carbs that can lead to fat storage when consumed with steak.
  • Grill, broil, or roast. Choose healthier cooking methods instead of pan-frying in loads of oil. Baking on a rack lets fat drip away from the steak.
  • Manage intake frequency. While delicious, steak is high in calories and fat. Keep your consumption to just once or twice a month.
  • Stay active. Engage in regular physical activity to help burn extra calories from steak and maintain energy balance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes steak fattening?

Steaks are high in fat and calories compared to other cuts of beef and other protein sources. An 8-ounce sirloin steak contains around 300 calories and 18 grams of fat, over half of which is saturated fat. The fat content, especially saturated fat, is what contributes to steaks being higher in calories and potentially fattening if consumed in large portions or too frequently.

How fattening is steak compared to chicken or fish?

On average, an 8-ounce steak contains nearly double the calories and total fat compared to the same portion of skinless chicken breast. Fish like salmon and tuna tend to be lower in calories and fat overall than steak. However, preparation methods can alter the fat content. Grilled, baked, or broiled steak is less fattening than a steak that is pan-fried in oil or butter.

Are some cuts of steak more fattening than others?

Yes, certain cuts of steak are fatter and more calorie-dense. Ribeye, T-bone and porterhouse steaks tend to be higher in fat and calories than sirloin, round, or flank steak. Choosing leaner cuts can reduce the calories and fat content compared to fattier cuts. Trimming off any visible fat before cooking can also lower the fattening impact.

Can eating steak lead to weight gain?

Eating high-fat, high-calorie foods like steak frequently and in large portions can contribute to overall excessive calorie intake which leads to weight gain over time. One steak a week as part of a balanced diet is unlikely to lead to weight gain. But consuming large, high-fat steaks multiple times a week could tip the calorie balance towards weight gain for most people. Moderation is key.


With mindful choices, you can work steak into your diet in moderation. Prioritize lean cuts, reasonable portions, lots of vegetables, and active habits. This allows you to enjoy the delicious flavor and satisfaction of a great steak without weight gain.

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