Is Butter Chicken Gluten Free?

July 29, 2023

Are you trying to stick to a diet but still yearning for your favorite chicken dish? I’ve been, in that situation before. Let me tell you, it’s not easy. Have you ever considered butter chicken as a dairy option? This classic Indian meal is usually gluten-free, making it an appealing choice for people like us.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into what makes butter chicken gluten-free and how to navigate challenges when selecting or preparing this delicious dish. So, is butter chicken really gluten-free? Let’s explore!

Key Points

  • Butter chicken curry is typically a dish since its main components, like chicken and tomato sauce, are naturally devoid of gluten.
  • However, it’s crucial to scrutinize labels for hidden sources of gluten in mixes or sauces often used in butter chicken recipes.
  • Naan bread accompanying butter chicken contains gluten. Should be avoided by individuals with celiac disease or a strong intolerance to gluten.

Understanding Gluten in Butter Chicken

Is there any trace of gluten in the butter chicken curry? Is the simmer sauce gluten-free? What are some ingredients containing gluten found in butter chicken curry?

Many assume that butter chicken curry does not contain any traces of gluten

Well, when it comes down to it, the key components are chicken and a seasoned tomato paste or sauce, both of which are gluten-free. However, this isn’t always a guarantee due to variations in recipes.

At times, mixes or sauces used for convenience may sneakily contain gluten. It’s also important to remember that even though the dish itself is free from gluten, it is typically served with naan bread that does contain gluten.

Therefore, for individuals with a disease or a severe sensitivity to gluten, simply asking for your butter chicken without naan might not be sufficient to avoid exposure.

Is the simmer sauce for butter chicken gluten-free?

The gluten content of butter chicken simmer sauce can vary based on the brand and ingredients used. It’s crucial to inspect the label or ingredient list to ensure there are no gluten-containing elements. So once you confirm whether “is butter chicken gluten-free?” you’ll have your answer about the sauce. Yes, it is!

Some common ingredients containing gluten in simmering sauces include wheat flour or soy sauce, which might have wheat as an ingredient. If you’re sensitive to gluten or have a disease, it’s advisable to opt for a certified gluten-free chicken simmer sauce or prepare your own using spices and thickeners that are free of gluten. When making dairy-free chicken, it’s important to be mindful of the ingredients to savor a gluten-free version without any concerns. 

What are the usual gluten-containing components found in butter chicken curry? 

Butter chicken curry might contain gluten because of its ingredients. Here are some typical gluten-filled elements to be cautious about in a simple butter chicken recipe: 

  •  Pre-made curry sauces or pastes that might have wheat for thickening. 
  •  Store-bought marinades or spice mixes that could contain gluten as an additive 
  •  Naan bread is commonly served with butter chicken, which has gluten. 
  •  Certain brands of basmati rice may be processed alongside gluten products.

Factors Influencing Gluten-Free Butter Chicken 

These factors encompass variations in recipes, the use of thickening agents, sauces, and marinades, and the possibility of cross-contamination.

Variations in Recipes 

Recipes for butter chicken can differ based on tastes and regional influences. Some Indian butter chicken recipes may incorporate spices or ingredients to elevate the taste, while others may prioritize simplicity and traditional flavors. If you’re unsure about whether butter chicken is truly gluten-free, experimenting with variations could help clarify this aspect.

When preparing this chicken dish, it’s crucial to select a recipe that incorporates gluten ingredients and to avoid any chances of gluten cross-contamination. Additionally, certain variations may utilize thickeners or sauces that are inherently gluten-free ensuring a safe and tasty meal, for individuals with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease.

Thickening Agents

Thickening agents are key to achieving the desired texture and consistency of butter chicken. These agents help enhance the richness and thickness of the curry sauce. Commonly used thickening agents in butter chicken recipes include yogurt, cream, cashew paste, coconut milk, or a blend of these components. These thickeners do not intensify the flavor. Also contributes to the creamy texture that defines this dish. It’s important to be mindful that, though these thickening agents typically do not contain gluten, it’s essential to check for cross-hidden sources of gluten when using pre-made mixes or sauces.

Sauces and Marinades

Sauces and marinades play a role in determining whether the chicken dish is gluten-free. Some sauces or marinades may contain gluten as an ingredient; hence, it’s crucial to inspect the labels before use.

When looking for options, consider using alternative thickeners, like cornstarch or arrowroot powder, instead of wheat-based flour. Creating your sauces and marinades from scratch using free ingredients can help ensure that your butter chicken is safe for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

Remember that some traditional recipes may include ingredients such as yogurt or cream that are gluten-free but could potentially be contaminated by manufacturers. Always double-check the labels to be sure.


Cross-contamination is a concern when it comes to butter chicken coming into contact with gluten-containing ingredients during processing or preparation. While butter chicken itself may be gluten-free, there’s a risk of contaminants.

It’s important to stay vigilant about this issue, especially if you have a disease or a sensitivity to gluten. Checking labels on mixes or sauces is crucial to confirming they’re free of gluten.

Moreover, if you’re dining out and craving butter chicken, make sure to communicate your requirements to the restaurant staff and ask about their procedures, to avoid cross-contamination in the kitchen. 

Options for Gluten-Free Butter Chicken

When it comes to enjoying butter chicken without gluten, there are choices such as gluten-free butter chicken paste and curry kits, crafting your own homemade gluten-free recipes, or making simple ingredient substitutions to create a gluten-free variation.

Butter Chicken. Curry Kits

I’ve come across some options for gluten-free butter chicken paste and curry powder kits. These kits offer a way to savor the flavors of butter chicken without concern about gluten. Just follow the instructions on the package. You’ll have a gluten-free meal ready in no time. With these kits, you can relish the taste of butter chicken while adhering to your gluten-free diet.

Homemade Gluten-Free Butter Chicken Recipe

I enjoy preparing my gluten-free butter chicken recipe at home since I’m uncertain about the content of store-bought versions. Here’s how I go about it:

  • Begin by marinating chicken in a blend of ginger, garlic, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, chili powder, and Indian spices.
  • In a skillet heat coconut oil and sauté diced onions until they turn brown.
  • Add the chicken to the skillet. Cook until it is thoroughly cooked through.
  • Next, include a can of gluten-free tomato sauce and let it simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Mix in garam masala. Any other spices you prefer for added flavor.
  • Lastly, complete the dish by pouring in an amount of cream and simmering for 5 minutes.

There are various ingredients that can be swapped out when preparing the chicken to make a version of this recipe. Some alternatives include using gluten flour or cornstarch instead of regular flour to thicken the sauce, opting for tamari or gluten-free soy sauce in place of traditional soy sauce, selecting gluten-free chicken stock or broth for flavor enhancement, substituting coconut cream or dairy-free options for heavy cream to achieve a creamy consistency, utilizing gluten-free spice blends or individual spices to season the dish, avoiding marinating the chicken in sauces containing gluten, and instead choosing homemade marinades with gluten-free ingredients.

Health Benefits of Gluten-Free Butter Chicken

The benefits of gluten-free butter chicken include offering a choice for individuals with gluten sensitivities or those adhering to a gluten-free diet.

The nutritional benefits of butter chicken

Now that we’ve established that butter chicken is free of gluten, let’s delve into its content!

Butter chicken is a flavorsome dish that not only pleases the palate but also provides essential nutrients. A serving of gluten-free butter chicken usually contains 260 calories, along with 35 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of fat, and an impressive 18 grams of protein.

This means that butter chicken is free from dairy and serves as a high-protein choice that can help you stay full and satisfied. With its blend of creamy tomato sauce and tender chicken butter, chicken offers vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, and calcium.

Therefore, while relishing the taste of butter chicken, you’re also nourishing your body with nutrients to promote overall well-being.

Considerations for a diet

When adhering to a gluten-free diet, it’s crucial to think about the ingredients and cooking methods involved in dishes such as butter chicken. While the primary elements of butter chicken are typically gluten-free, there may still be aspects to bear in mind.

For example, mixes or sauces used in the recipe could contain gluten; hence, it’s important to check labels. 

Furthermore, traditional sides, like naan bread, aren’t suitable for those avoiding gluten. By being mindful of these factors and choosing alternatives when needed, people can savor the deliciousness of butter chicken while staying true to their dietary requirements.


Below are some queries regarding the free status of butter chicken:

1. Is butter chicken gluten-free?

It can be prepared without gluten by using gluten-free ingredients and excluding any wheat-based components like flour or breadcrumbs.

2. What ingredients should I watch out for to confirm that butter chicken is safe?

To ensure that butter chicken is gluten-free, carefully inspect the ingredient list for any wheat, barley, rye, or other grains containing gluten. Also, be cautious of thickening agents or sauces that might contain gluten.

3. Can I request a serving of butter chicken at a restaurant if I have a sensitivity to gluten?

It’s essential to inquire about the restaurant’s cooking methods and ingredients used in their butter chicken recipe to ascertain its suitability for individuals with a sensitivity to gluten. Some eateries may provide options that are free, from gluten, or cater to restrictions upon request.

4. Are there any variations of butter chicken that are naturally gluten-free?

Yes, there are versions of butter chicken that are naturally gluten-free. These variations often use flours or thickeners instead of wheat-based ones and incorporate gluten-free ingredients like spices, yogurt, and tomato sauce for flavoring.


To sum up, butter chicken curry is usually gluten-free because its key components, such as the chicken and the creamy tomato sauce, are gluten-free. Nonetheless, it’s essential to be cautious about cross-contamination. The inclusion of gluten-containing ingredients in ready-made mixes or sauces.

By opting for options for naan bread and being attentive to where ingredients come from, people with gluten sensitivity or those following a gluten-free diet can savor this delightful Indian dish without any concerns.

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