What Temperature To Cook Steak On Pellet Grill

Struggling to cook the perfect steak on your pellet grill? You’re not alone; many home cooks face this delicious challenge. This blog post shines a light on the what temperature to cook steak on pellet grill to perfection on a pellet grill – from rare to well-done.

Let’s turn that culinary conundrum into grilling mastery; read on and fire up your pellet grill with confidence!

Key Takeaways

  • Achieving the perfect temperature is crucial when cooking steak on a pellet grill to ensure it reaches your desired level of doneness and guarantees a tender, juicy result.
  • The optimal internal temperature for medium-rare steak on a pellet grill is around 155–165°F, which can be achieved by cooking the steaks at around 400°F for approximately 10 minutes per side.
  • For rare steaks, cook them at high heat (around 500°F) for about 2–3 minutes per side to reach an internal temperature of around 125–130°F. For well-done steaks with no pink in the center, aim for an internal temperature of around 170-180°F by cooking them longer on lower heat (around 350-375°F).
  • There are two primary methods for cooking steak on a pellet grill: the direct-heat method, where you place the steak directly over the heat source, and the reverse-sear method, where you slow-cook the steak at a low temperature before finishing it with a high-heat sear. Both methods result in deliciously cooked steaks with different textures and flavors.

The Importance of Temperature in Cooking Steak

Achieving the perfect temperature is crucial when cooking steak to ensure it reaches your desired level of doneness and guarantees a tender, juicy result.

Understanding steak doneness levels

Before finding out what temperature to cook steak on pellet grill, let’s know the basic steak doneness levels.

Achieving the perfect internal temperature

To achieve the perfect internal temperature for your steak on a pellet grill, it’s essential to understand the different levels of doneness. For a medium-rare steak, which is often preferred by many steak enthusiasts, the internal temperature should be around 155–165°F.

This ensures a tender and juicy center with a hint of pink when you slice into it. To achieve this, you can cook your steaks on a pellet grill at around 400°F for approximately 10 minutes per side.

For those who prefer their steak cooked differently, it’s important to adjust the cooking time and temperature accordingly. For rare steaks, cook them at high heat (around 500°F) for about 2–3 minutes per side to reach an internal temperature of around 125–130°F.

If you like your steak well-done with no traces of pink in the center, aim for an internal temperature of around 170-180°F by cooking them longer on lower heat (around 350-375°F).

Methods for Cooking Steak on a Pellet Grill

There are two primary methods for cooking steak on a pellet grill: the direct-heat method and the reverse-sear method.

Direct-heat method

The direct-heat method is a popular technique for cooking steak on a pellet grill. This method involves placing the steak directly over the heat source, allowing it to cook quickly and develop a nice sear. Here are the steps to follow when using the direct-heat method:

  1. Preheat your pellet grill: Before placing the steak on the grill, preheat it to a high temperature, typically around 500°F. This will ensure that you achieve a perfect sear on the outside of the steak while keeping the inside juicy and tender.
  2. Season your steak: While the grill is preheating, season your steak with salt, pepper, and any other desired seasonings. Make sure to evenly coat both sides of the steak.
  3. Place the steak on the grill: Once your pellet grill has reached the desired temperature, place the seasoned steak directly onto the hot grates. Close the lid and let it cook for about 3–4 minutes per side for medium-rare doneness.
  4. Flip and repeat: After 3–4 minutes, use tongs to carefully flip the steak and cook it for an additional 3–4 minutes on the other side. The exact cooking time will depend on how thick your steak is and how well-done you prefer it.
  5. Check internal temperature: To ensure that your steak is cooked to your desired level of doneness, use an instant-read meat thermometer to check its internal temperature. For medium-rare steaks, aim for an internal temperature of 135–140 °F.
  6. Rest before serving: Once your steak reaches the desired internal temperature, remove it from the grill and let it rest for a few minutes before slicing into it. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat and results in a more flavorful and tender steak.

Reverse-sear method

The reverse-sear method is a popular technique for cooking steak on a pellet grill. This method involves slow-cooking the steak at a low temperature before finishing it with a high-heat sear. Here’s how to achieve perfectly cooked steaks using the reverse-sear method on your pellet grill:

  1. Start by preheating your pellet grill to a lower temperature, around 225°F. This allows for even and gentle cooking of the steak.
  2. Season your steak with your favorite dry rub or marinade, and let it sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes to allow it to come to room temperature.
  3. Place the seasoned steak directly on the grill grates and close the lid. Cook the steak slowly until it reaches an internal temperature of about 10–15 degrees below your desired doneness level.
  4. Use a meat thermometer to monitor the internal temperature of the steak throughout the cooking process.
  5. Once the steak reaches this desired internal temperature, remove it from the pellet grill temporarily and cover it loosely with aluminum foil to keep it warm.
  6. Increase the temperature of your pellet grill to its highest setting, usually around 500°F or higher, for a searing session.
  7. Once your pellet grill has reached this high searing temperature, place the partially cooked steak back onto the grates directly over the intense heat.
  8. Sear each side of the steak quickly, typically for about 1–2 minutes per side or until you achieve a caramelized crust.
  9. Keep in mind that searing time may vary based on thickness and personal preferences for doneness levels. You can use an instant-read meat thermometer to check if your desired internal temperature has been reached during this final searing phase.
  10. Remove the finished steak from the grill, tent it with foil again, and let it rest for about 5 minutes before serving.

Recommended Temperature for Cooking Steak on a Pellet Grill

what temperature to cook steak on pellet grill

What temperature to cook steak on pellet grill depends on the desired doneness level, ranging from medium-rare to well-done.

Factors to consider

To cook the perfect steak on a pellet grill, there are several factors you need to consider. First and foremost is the thickness of the steak. Thicker steaks will require longer cooking times to reach the desired temperature, while thinner cuts will cook more quickly.

Additionally, the initial internal temperature of the steak before grilling can affect cooking time as well. For example, if you start with a chilled or frozen steak, it will take longer to cook compared to one that has been brought to room temperature.

Another important factor is the type of pellet being used in your grill; different woods can impart unique flavors and smoke levels onto your steak. Finally, don’t forget about resting time after grilling; allowing your cooked steak to rest for a few minutes helps redistribute juices and ensures optimal flavor and tenderness.

Optimal temperature for different doneness levels

Knowing the optimal temperature for your steak’s desired doneness is paramount when grilling on a pellet grill. It helps you achieve the perfect internal temperature, ensuring a delicious outcome. Here’s an HTML table that outlines the recommended temperatures for different steak doneness levels on a pellet grill:

Doneness Level Internal Temperature (°F) Time per Side at 500°F Time per Side at 400°F
Rare 120-130 2-3 minutes N/A
Medium-Rare 155-165 4 minutes 10 minutes
Medium 165-170 5-6 minutes 12-14 minutes
Medium-Well 170-175 6-7 minutes 15-17 minutes
Well-Done 175 and up 8-10 minutes 18-20 minutes

Please note that the times in the table above are approximations. Factors like the thickness of the steak, the type of steak, and the exact temperature of the grill can all affect the cooking time. Always ensure to preheat your pellet grill and monitor the internal temperature of the steak for the best results.

Tips for Cooking Steak on a Pellet Grill

To achieve the juiciest and most flavorful steak on a pellet grill, start by properly preparing the steak, ensuring it is at room temperature before cooking. Prepping the grill grates with a light coating of high-temperature oil will prevent sticking and enhance sear marks.

Finally, remember to let your steak rest for a few minutes after cooking to allow the juices to redistribute and ensure maximum tenderness.

Preparing the steak

Preparing the steak for cooking on a pellet grill involves a few important steps to ensure optimal flavor and tenderness. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Choose the right cut of steak: Look for well-marbled cuts like ribeye, strip loin, or tenderloin, as they tend to be more flavorful and tender when cooked.
  2. Let the steak come to room temperature. Take the steak out of the refrigerator at least 30 minutes before cooking. This allows for even cooking throughout.
  3. Season with salt and pepper: Generously season both sides of the steak with salt and freshly ground black pepper. This helps enhance the natural flavors of the meat.
  4. Optional marinade or dry rub: If desired, you can marinate the steak in your favorite marinade or apply a dry rub to add extra flavor. Ensure that any excess marinade is removed before placing it on the pellet grill.
  5. Brush with oil: Lightly brush both sides of the steak with olive oil or another high-smoke point oil. This helps prevent sticking and promotes caramelization during grilling.
  6. Optional additional seasoning: If desired, you can sprinkle additional herbs or spices on top of the oiled steak for added flavor.
  7. Pat dry: Before placing the steak on the grill, make sure to pat it dry with paper towels to remove any excess moisture, which can interfere with proper searing.

Prepping the grill grates

To ensure your steak cooks perfectly on a pellet grill, it’s essential to prep the grill grates properly. Here’s how to get them ready for cooking:

  1. Start by cleaning the grates thoroughly using a wire brush or grill scraper. This will remove any   food particles or debris from previous use.
  2. After cleaning, apply a light coat of cooking oil to the grates. This will prevent the steak from sticking and help create those beautiful grill marks.
  3. Preheat your pellet grill to the desired cooking temperature, allowing the grates to heat up along with it. This will ensure even heat distribution and help achieve that perfect sear on your steak.
  4. Once preheated, use tongs to place the steak directly onto the hot grill grates. Avoid overcrowding the grill, as this can prevent proper airflow and result in uneven cooking.
  5. Close the lid of the pellet grill and cook the steak according to your preferred doneness level and cooking method (direct-heat or reverse-sear). Refer to our recommended temperature guide for specific cooking times.
  6. While cooking, resist the temptation to constantly flip or move the steak around. Allow it to develop a nice crust on one side before flipping it over.
  7. After removing the steak from the grill, allow it to rest for a few minutes before slicing into it. This will allow the juices to be redistributed throughout the meat for maximum flavor and tenderness.

Resting the steak

Resting the steak is a crucial step after cooking it on a pellet grill. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more tender and flavorful steak. The recommended resting time for steaks is about 5–10 minutes, depending on the thickness of the cut.

During this time, cover the steak loosely with foil to keep it warm and prevent it from cooling too quickly. By giving your steak some rest, you’ll ensure that every mouthful is juicy and delicious.

So don’t rush into slicing right away; let your perfectly cooked steak rest before diving in!

Frequently Asked Questions

what temperature to cook steak on pellet grill

Here are the most frequently asked questions about what temperature to cook steak on pellet grill.

1. What is the ideal temperature to cook steak on a pellet grill?

The ideal temperature to cook steak on a pellet grill varies depending on how you like your steak cooked. For medium rare, aim for an internal temperature of 135°F (57°C). Medium should be around 145°F (63°C), and well done should reach about 160°F (71°C).

2. How long does it take to cook a steak on a pellet grill?

Cooking time can vary based on several factors, such as the thickness of the steak and the desired level of doneness. As a general guideline, you can estimate cooking times at approximately 6–8 minutes per side for a 1-inch thick steak, but it’s always best to use an instant-read meat thermometer for accurate results.

3. Should I preheat the pellet grill before cooking my steak?

Yes, it is recommended to preheat your pellet grill before cooking your steak. Preheating ensures that the grill reaches and maintains the desired temperature throughout the cooking process, resulting in more even and consistent heat distribution.

4. How do I know when my steak is done cooking on a pellet grill?

To determine if your steak is cooked to your preference, use an instant-read meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the meat without touching any bones or fat. Referencing an internal temperature guide will help you achieve your desired level of doneness: medium-rare (135°F/57°C), medium (145°F/63°C), or well-done (160°F/71°C).


In conclusion, achieving the perfect steak on a pellet grill is all about getting the temperature just right. Whether you’re using the direct-heat or reverse-sear method, it’s important to know the optimal temperature for your desired doneness level.

With preheating and careful monitoring of internal temperatures, you’ll be able to cook a mouthwatering steak with a brilliant red center or achieve any level of doneness you prefer. So fire up that pellet grill, follow these tips and techniques, and get ready to impress your guests with perfectly cooked steaks every time!

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