How to Cook Tuna Steak in Pan With Butter

June 19, 2023

Tired of the same old chicken and beef dishes? It’s time to dive into the delectable world of tuna steaks! Pan-seared in rich, velvety butter, these tender cuts of fish are perfect for a quick yet sophisticated meal. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through how to cook tuna steak in a pan with butter, ensuring an unforgettable dining experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Choose high – quality tuna for the best taste and texture, looking for vibrant color and fresh ocean scent.
  • Preheat the pan before adding butter and oil to ensure a nice sear on the outside while keeping the inside juicy and tender.
  • Use a meat thermometer to determine doneness, let it rest for a few minutes before cutting into it, and watch closely during cooking time to avoid overcooking.
  • Serve your buttered tuna steak with delicious sides like grilled asparagus or roasted potatoes, paired with Pinot Noir or Sauvignon Blanc wine.

Preparing Tuna Steak For Cooking

To prepare a tuna steak for cooking, start by selecting high-quality tuna and patting it dry with paper towels.

Choosing High-Quality Tuna

To achieve the best results when cooking tuna steak in a pan with butter, it’s essential to start with high-quality fish. Freshness is the key factor when selecting your tuna, as it will significantly impact the taste and texture of your dish.

Look for vibrant color—ahi or yellowfin tuna steaks should be deep red or pinkish with a fresh ocean scent.

Aside from freshness, it’s also important to consider sourcing your seafood responsibly. Opt for sushi-grade tuna if available; this grade ensures that strict handling and processing practices have been followed during transportation from sea-to-market.

Additionally, look for sustainably-caught wild fish from places like pole-and-line fisheries instead of those caught through more environmentally harmful methods such as longlining or purse seining.

In some cases, buying frozen-at-sea (FAS) tuna can be an excellent option as well because flash-freezing onboard boats ensures optimal quality while still offering sustainable sourcing options.

Seasoning The Steak

Before cooking your tuna steak, it’s essential to season it properly to enhance its flavor. Firstly, make sure to choose high-quality tuna for the best taste. Pat the steak dry with a paper towel before seasoning it with pink seasoned salt or lemon pepper seasoning.

Once you’ve seasoned the tuna steak, let it rest at room temperature for 10-15 minutes before cooking so that the flavors can seep in. Adding some oil and peppercorns to the pan before searing will give your tuna steaks a nice crust on the outside while keeping them juicy inside.

Cooking Tuna Steak In A Pan With Butter

how to cook tuna steak in pan with butter

Heat up your frying pan and add oil and butter to it – this is the first step in how to cook tuna steak in pan with butter. Once the butter has melted, sear the tuna steaks for about 2 minutes per side, basting them with butter during cooking.

Preheating The Pan

To ensure that the tuna steak is cooked to perfection, it’s important to preheat the pan before adding any ingredients. Heat a thick-bottomed frying pan over medium-high heat for about 2-3 minutes.

This will help to create a nice sear on the outside of the steak while keeping the inside juicy and tender.

Once your pan has reached the desired temperature, add butter and oil to coat the bottom of the pan before placing in your seasoned tuna steak. Cooking time can vary depending on personal preference but is typically around 2 minutes per side or until desired doneness is reached.

Be sure to turn the steak during cooking for even results and use tongs instead of a fork, which can puncture and dry out your fish.

Adding Butter And Oil

To start cooking your tuna steak in a pan with butter, it is important to preheat the pan over medium-high heat. Once heated, add a combination of butter and oil to the pan.

The oil helps prevent the butter from burning while also providing an even coating for searing the tuna steak.

Be sure not to add too much oil or butter as this may cause the tuna steak to become greasy and lose its flavor. A general rule of thumb is 1 tablespoon each of oil and butter per 8-ounce tuna steak.

Remember: less is more when it comes to adding butter and oil to your frying pan!

Searing The Tuna Steak

To sear the tuna steak to perfection, preheat your thick-bottomed frying pan over medium-high heat. Add a mixture of butter and olive oil, or just butter, along with peppercorns for an added kick.

Once sufficiently heated, place the tuna steaks in the pan and let them sear for about 2 minutes per side until they have browned on both sides. While cooking, you can add some chopped garlic or herbs to enhance the flavor further.

For best results, baste the steaks with butter as they cook to keep them moist and tender.

For added zest and flavor, try serving seared tuna steaks drizzled with lemon-parsley butter or caper butter sauce alongside some delicious sides such as roasted vegetables or fluffy rice pilaf.

Basting With Butter

To truly take your tuna steak to the next level, basting with butter is a must. As you sear the steak in the pan, use a spoon to scoop up some of the melted butter and drizzle it over top of the fish.

You can even experiment with different types of flavored butters like garlic or caper butter for an extra burst of taste. However, be careful not to overdo it with the basting as too much butter can overpower the natural flavors of your tuna steak.

Tips For Perfectly Cooked Tuna Steak

how to cook tuna steak in pan with butter

To ensure perfectly cooked tuna steak, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature; let the steak rest for 1-2 minutes before serving to allow the juices to redistribute; and avoid overcooking by keeping an eye on cooking times and adjusting heat levels accordingly. Let’s talk about how to cook tuna steak in pan with butter – the perfect way!

Determining Doneness

Determining the doneness of your tuna steak is crucial in achieving a perfectly cooked dish. The most reliable way to determine whether your tuna steak has reached your desired level of doneness is by using a meat thermometer.

For medium-rare, you want the internal temperature to reach 130°F (55°C), while a well-done tuna steak should be at 145°F (63°C).

If you don’t have a meat thermometer, there are other ways to check the doneness of your tuna steak visually and through touch. One visual indicator is by checking the color of the flesh – rare or medium-rare will be redder while well-done will turn white as it cooks through.

Remember that cooking time and thickness can vary based on individual tastes so keep an eye on cook times when preparing thicker steaks versus thinner ones.

Resting The Tuna Steak

After removing the tuna steak from the pan, it’s essential to let it rest for a few minutes before cutting into it. Resting allows the juices to redistribute and settle back into the meat, resulting in a more tender and juicy steak.

If you cut into your tuna steak immediately after cooking, all of those flavorful juices will escape, leaving you with a dry piece of fish.

During this time, cover your tuna steaks with foil to keep them warm while they rest. This waiting period gives you an excellent opportunity to prepare any side dishes or sauce that will be served alongside your delicious seared buttered Tuna steaks.

Avoiding Overcooking

Overcooking tuna steak can result in a dry, tough and flavorless meal. To avoid overcooking it is essential to determine the right cooking time based on personal preference for doneness.

Generally, searing each side of the tuna steak for about two minutes will yield medium-rare doneness while three or four minutes per side will give well-done results. However, factors such as thickness of the steak and pan temperature can affect cooking time.

Another way to avoid overcooked tuna steaks is by allowing them to rest for a few minutes after removing from the heat source. This resting period allows juices to redistribute evenly throughout the meat while still retaining its moisture and tenderness.

Serving Suggestions And Pairings

how to cook tuna steak in pan with butter

After you have learned, how to cook tuna steak in pan with butter, let’s find out the right pairs. Pair your buttered tuna steak with delicious sides like roasted vegetables, grilled asparagus, or creamy mashed potatoes. For an added kick of flavor, try caper butter sauce or garlic butter on top of the seared tuna.

Delicious Sides And Sauces

There’s nothing quite like a perfectly cooked tuna steak, but what about the sides and sauces to take your dish to the next level? Here are some tasty options:

  1. Grilled Asparagus – A healthy and flavorful side that pairs well with the richness of buttered tuna.
  2. Roasted Potatoes – Crispy potatoes make for an ideal contrast to tender seared tuna.
  3. Cucumber Salad – A refreshing and crunchy salad that complements the natural flavors of the fish.
  4. Sauteed Spinach – This classic side goes great with pan-seared tuna, providing a healthy dose of iron and nutrients.
  5. Garlic Butter Sauce – A simple yet delicious topping made by heating butter in a skillet with minced garlic until fragrant.
  6. Soy-Ginger Glaze – For an Asian flair, this glaze combines soy sauce, ginger, brown sugar, and sesame oil for a sweet-and-savory flavor profile.
  7. Caper Butter Sauce – Combine melted butter with capers, lemon juice, and parsley for a tangy and herbaceous sauce that enhances the flavor of the tuna steak.

Remember to use high-quality ingredients when making your sides and sauces to complement your perfectly cooked tuna steak!

Wine And Beverage Pairings

Pairing the right wine or beverage with your tuna steak can elevate your dining experience. Here are a few options to consider:

  1. Pinot Noir: This red wine works well with medium-rare to rare seared tuna steaks, as its light body and fruity flavors complement the fish’s mild taste.
  2. Sauvignon Blanc: The bright acidity of this white wine makes it a great match for grilled or pan-seared tuna steaks. Its citrusy and herbal notes also bring out the flavors of the accompanying seasoning.
  3. Chardonnay: A full-bodied chardonnay pairs well with butter-basted or creamy tuna dishes, such as those using garlic butter or caper butter sauce.
  4. Sake: This Japanese rice wine works well with different types of tuna dishes, from sushi rolls to seared steaks. Its clean and crisp flavor profile enhances the natural sweetness and umami of the fish.
  5. Citrus-infused Water: For a non-alcoholic option, infuse water with lemon or lime slices to create a refreshing beverage that complements the tuna’s delicate flavors.

Remember to experiment with different wine and beverage pairings until you find what suits your taste buds best.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most commonly asked questions about how to cook tuna steak in pan with butter:

tuna steak in pan with butter

1. What is the best way to prepare a tuna steak for cooking in a pan with butter?

Start by patting your tuna steak dry with paper towels then seasoning it as desired with salt and pepper or other seasonings such as garlic powder or lemon zest.

2. How long should I cook my tuna steak in the pan with butter, and on which side should I start?

Heat up a cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat until hot then add a tablespoon of butter to melt down completely before adding your seasoned tuna steak on top. Cook each side for about 2-3 minutes depending upon thickness while flipping only once (start cooking from the thicker part). Remove when it’s reached the desired doneness which can be gauged through touch – remember that it will continue cooking due to residual heat if removed earlier than necessary.

3. Can I use olive oil instead of butter when cooking my tuna steak?

Yes, you may substitute sliced garlic & extra virgin olive oil in place of butter if preferred; just ensure not using too much oil so fish doesn’t become greasy but rather lightly coated instead.

4. What else can I serve alongside my pan-seared tuna steak cooked in butter?

Some popular options depend upon personal taste preferences but could feature sides like sautéed spinach, steamed broccoli florets drizzled with lemon juice and parmesan cheese shavings; creamed corn mixed w/ diced onions plus crushed garlic cloves for added depth flavoring; even roasted red potatoes seasoned black pepper and thyme would complement perfectly this dish serving altogether an impressive meal perfect for dinner party guests!

Conclusion And Final Thoughts On Cooking Tuna Steak With Butter In A Pan

In conclusion, cooking tuna steak in a pan with butter is a delicious and easy way to enjoy this flavorful seafood. By following these simple steps and tips, you can create perfectly seared tuna steaks that are sure to impress your friends and family.

Remember to choose high-quality tuna, season it well, preheat the pan before adding butter and oil, sear the steak for 2 minutes per side or until desired doneness is achieved, baste it with butter during the cooking process, rest it before serving and pair it with some delicious sides or sauces.


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