How Long to Cook Steak on the Grill for Medium Doneness?

Grilling a steak to the perfect medium of doneness is an art form that requires precision and practice. Whether you’re a seasoned grill master or a novice steak enthusiast, achieving that ideal balance of a juicy, pink center and a deliciously charred crust can be a rewarding culinary experience. So, how long to cook steak on grill for medium doneness?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the intricacies of how long to cook steak on the grill for medium, covering essential factors like steak grill temp, steak grilling times, and various techniques to help you master the art of grilling the perfect medium rare steak on the grill.

Understanding Steak Doneness

Before we look into the specifics of grilling steak for medium doneness, it’s crucial to understand the different levels of doneness and what they entail. BBQ steak doneness refers to the degree of cooking and the resulting internal temperature of the meat. The most common doneness levels are:

  • Rare: The steak is seared on the outside but remains cool and red in the center, with an internal temperature of 120°F to 125°F (49°C to 52°C).
  • Medium-Rare: The steak has a warm, red center with a pinkish-red color throughout, with an internal temperature of 130°F to 135°F (54°C to 57°C).
  • Medium: The steak has a warm, pink center with a slightly reddish-pink color throughout, with an internal temperature of 140°F to 145°F (60°C to 63°C).
  • Medium-Well: The steak has a slightly pink center with a grayish-brown color throughout, with the best temp to grill steak at 150°F to 155°F (66°C to 68°C).
  • Well-Done: The steak is cooked through with no pink remaining, with an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C) or higher.

For our purposes, we’ll focus on achieving medium doneness, which is considered the optimal level for many steak enthusiasts.

A medium steak has a warm, pink center with a slightly reddish-pink color throughout, and an internal temperature ranging from 140°F to 145°F (60°C to 63°C). This level of doneness allows the steak to retain its juiciness and tenderness while still being cooked enough to ensure food safety.

Factors Affecting Grilling Time

When it comes to grilling steak for medium doneness, several factors play a crucial role in determining the appropriate cooking time. Understanding these factors will help you achieve consistent and delicious results every time.

  1. Steak Thickness: The thickness of the steak has a significant impact on the grilling time. Thicker steaks will require more time to reach the desired internal temperature, while thinner steaks will cook faster.
  2. Steak Cut: Different cuts of steak have varying levels of marbling and muscle density, which can affect the cooking time. For example, a well-marbled ribeye steak may cook slightly faster than a leaner tenderloin or filet mignon.
  3. Grill Type: The type of grill you’re using can also influence the cooking time. Charcoal grills tend to have more intense direct heat, while gas grills provide more consistent and controllable heat. Infrared grills, on the other hand, can cook steaks quickly with intense radiant heat.
  4. Grill Temperature: The temperature of the grill plays a crucial role in determining the cooking time. Higher temperatures will sear the steak faster, while lower temperatures will result in slower cooking times.
  5. Ambient Temperature: The outdoor temperature can also impact the cooking time. Grilling on a hot summer day may require slightly less time compared to grilling on a cooler day or evening.

By understanding these factors, you can make informed adjustments to the grilling time and temperature, ensuring that your steak achieves the desired medium doneness.

Preparing the Grill

Before you start grilling, it’s essential to prepare your grill properly to ensure optimal cooking conditions. Here is the best way to grill a steak:

  1. Choosing the Right Grill Temp for Steak: For medium doneness, aim for a grill temperature between 450°F and 550°F (232°C and 288°C). This range will provide enough heat to sear the steak and cook it through to the desired internal temperature.
  2. Preheating the Grill: Preheat your grill for at least 15 to 20 minutes before cooking. This will ensure that the grill grates are hot enough to create those beautiful sear marks and help the steak cook evenly.
  3. Cleaning the Grill Grates: Use a grill brush or a crumpled piece of aluminium foil to clean the grill grates, removing any residue or debris from previous cookouts. This will prevent sticking and ensure optimal contact between the steak and the grill surface.

By properly preparing the grill, you’ll create the ideal cooking environment for grilling the perfect medium steak.

Preparing the Steak

In addition to preparing the grill, you’ll also need to ensure that your steak is ready for grilling. Follow these steps:

  1. Selecting the Right Cut: For grilling, choose well-marbled cuts such as ribeye, strip steak, or filet mignon. These cuts have the right balance of fat and tenderness to produce a juicy and flavorful medium steak.
  2. Allowing the Steak to Come to Room Temperature: Remove the steak from the refrigerator about 30 minutes to an hour before grilling. This will allow the steak to cook more evenly and prevent overcooking the outer layer while the center remains undercooked.
  3. Seasoning and Marinating (if desired): While a simple seasoning of salt and pepper is often all you need, you can also experiment with dry rubs, marinades, or compound butters to enhance the flavor of your steak.

By properly preparing the steak, you’ll ensure that it’s ready to absorb the heat and flavors from the grill, resulting in a delicious and perfectly cooked medium steak.

Steak Grilling Times for Medium Doneness

Now that you’ve prepared the grill and the steak, it’s time to discuss the grilling times for achieving medium doneness. Remember that these times are approximate and may vary depending on the factors mentioned earlier, such as steak thickness, grill temperature, and ambient temperature.

1-inch thick steak:

  • Grilling Time for Medium Doneness: 10 to 12 minutes, flipping once halfway through

1.5-inch thick steak:

  • Grilling Time for Medium Doneness: 14 to 18 minutes, flipping once halfway through

2-inch thick steak:

  • Grilling Time for Medium Doneness: 18 to 22 minutes, flipping once halfway through

It’s important to note that these grilling times are based on a grill temperature between 450°F and 550°F (232°C and 288°C). If your grill temperature is lower or higher, you must adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Additionally, using a meat thermometer is highly recommended to ensure accurate doneness. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the steak, and remove it from the grill when the internal temperature reaches 140°F to 145°F (60°C to 63°C) for medium doneness.

Techniques for Grilling Steak

While grilling times are important, you can also employ several techniques to ensure that your steak cooks evenly and achieves that perfect medium doneness.

  1. Direct Heat Method: This is the most common method for grilling steak. Place the steak directly over the hot grill grates and cook it on both sides, flipping once halfway through the cooking time. This method is best for thinner steaks or when you want to achieve a nice sear on the outside.
  2. Indirect Heat Method: For thicker steaks or when you want more control over the cooking process, use the indirect heat method. After searing the steak on both sides over direct heat, move it to the cooler side of the grill and close the lid. This will allow the steak to cook through slowly and evenly using indirect heat.
  3. Reverse Searing Method: This technique involves cooking the steak slowly over indirect heat until it reaches an internal temperature of 115°F to 120°F (46°C to 49°C), then searing it over direct high heat to achieve a crisp crust. This method is ideal for thicker steaks and ensures an evenly cooked interior with a perfect sear on the outside.
  4. Basting and Finishing: As your steak approaches the desired doneness, you can baste it with melted butter, garlic butter, or herbs to add extra flavor and moisture. Some grill masters also like to place a pat of herb butter on top of the steak during the last few minutes of cooking to create a delicious crust.

By combining the appropriate grilling times with these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of grilling the perfect medium steak.

Resting and Serving

After you’ve achieved the desired medium doneness, it’s crucial to let the steak rest before serving. Resting allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, ensuring that your steak remains juicy and tender.

  1. Resting the Steak: Remove the steak from the grill and place it on a clean cutting board or plate. Loosely tent it with aluminum foil and let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes before slicing or serving.
  2. Carving and Serving: Once the steak has rested, you can carve it into slices or serve it whole. Consider serving it with your favorite sides, such as grilled vegetables, roasted potatoes, or a fresh salad.

By following these resting and serving tips, you’ll ensure that your medium steak retains its juiciness and flavor, providing an exceptional dining experience for you and your guests.

How to Grill the Perfect Steak (Recap and Final Tips)

Cooking steak on grill for perfect medium steak involves careful preparation. Understanding the factors that affect cooking time and employing the right techniques is important. Here’s a recap of the key points:

  1. Prepare the Grill: Preheat your grill to a temperature between 450°F and 550°F (232°C and 288°C). Clean the grill grates to ensure optimal contact with the steak.
  2. Prepare the Steak: Choose a well-marbled cut, allow it to come to room temperature, and season it as desired.
  3. Grilling Times for Medium Doneness: For a 1-inch thick steak, grill for 10 to 12 minutes. For a 1.5-inch thick steak, grill for 14 to 18 minutes. For a 2-inch thick steak, grill for 18 to 22 minutes. Adjust times based on grill temperature and steak thickness.
  4. Use a Meat Thermometer: Insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part of the steak and remove it from the grill when the internal temperature reaches 140°F to 145°F (60°C to 63°C) for medium doneness.
  5. Employ Grilling Techniques: Utilize direct heat, indirect heat, reverse searing, basting, and finishing with butter or herbs for optimal results.
  6. Rest and Serve: Allow the steak to rest for 5 to 10 minutes before slicing and serving, ensuring that the juices redistribute and the steak remains juicy and tender.

Additional tips to keep in mind

  • Always preheat your grill thoroughly before adding the steak.
  • Consider using a two-zone fire for better temperature control, with a hot zone for searing and a cooler zone for indirect cooking.
  • Experiment with different wood chips or chunks for added smoky flavor.
  • Don’t forget to season your steak generously with salt and pepper or your favorite rub or marinade.
  • Serve your medium steak with complementary sides like grilled vegetables, roasted potatoes, or a fresh salad.

Remember, grilling the perfect medium steak takes practice and experimentation. Don’t be discouraged if your first attempt isn’t perfect – keep trying and adjusting your techniques until you find the method that works best for you and your grill.


Grilling the perfect medium steak is an achievable goal for anyone willing to dedicate time and effort to mastering the art. By understanding the factors that affect cooking time, preparing the grill and steak correctly, following the recommended grilling times and techniques, and allowing the steak to rest before serving, you’ll be well on your way to creating a juicy, flavorful, and perfectly cooked medium steak every time.

Remember, grilling is not just about following a set of rules; it’s also about embracing the experience, experimenting with different methods, and finding the best techniques for your taste preferences and grilling setup. Don’t be afraid to try new things, and most importantly, have fun with the process.

Whether hosting a backyard barbecue or simply indulging in a weeknight grilled steak, the satisfaction of biting into a perfectly cooked medium steak is unmatched. So fire up your grill, grab your tongs, and get ready to impress your friends and family with your newfound grilling prowess.

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