How to Cook Steak on the Stove?

Cooking a steak, on the stovetop is a skill for any home cook to master. While some may prefer grilling or broiling, searing a steak in a pan provides control over the cooking process. Interested in learning how to cook steak on the stove? Let’s explore the art of stovetop steak preparation.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps of cooking a steak on the stovetop, discussing everything from selecting the cut and pan to refining your cooking techniques for that sear.

Selecting the Perfect Cut

The next stage in preparing stovetop steak involves choosing the cut. While there are options, certain cuts are more suitable for pan searing. Here are some popular selections;


Ribeye is favored by steak enthusiasts for its flavor and generous marbling. The marbling, which denotes fat dispersed throughout the meat helps preserve moistness and tenderness during cooking. When pan-searing opt for a ribeye with marbling and a layer of fat along the edges to enhance taste.

Filet Mignon

Also referred to as tenderloin filet mignon, this cut of beef is exceptionally tender.

While it may not offer the same flavor profile as ribeye, its velvety texture and subtle taste make it an appealing choice for searing in a pan. Choose a filet mignon steak, for satisfying results.

To ensure your steak cooks evenly throughout, it’s important to season it 

New York Strip

Known as the strip steak or New York strip, this cut offers a balance of tenderness and flavor. Its hearty, beefy flavor and moderate marbling make it an excellent option for pan-searing. Look for a slice with a layer of fat on one side for extra richness.

Flank Steak

Though not commonly chosen for pan searing, the cuts of flank steak can still be tasty and cost-effective. This lean cut benefits from a sear to develop a crust while keeping its juiciness intact. Slicing the flank steak against the grain is key to ensuring tenderness.

Once you’ve picked out your preferred cut, it’s time to move on to the stage: getting your steak ready for cooking.

 Preparing the Steak

preparing the steak

Before delving into stovetop cooking techniques, there are steps to take in preparing your steak properly before achieving that perfect sear.

Patting the Steak Dry

Before you start cooking, make sure to dry off your steak with paper towels. Excess moisture can interfere with getting that sear and caramelization on the steak, resulting in a flavorful crust.

Bringing the Steak to Room Temperature

To ensure cooking, let your steak sit at room temperature for 30 minutes to an hour before putting it on the heat. This way, the steak will cook consistently from edge to edge.


Seasoning plays a role, in enhancing the flavor of your steak. While some people think salt and pepper are sufficient, using sea salt can help create a crust on your steak. Make sure to season with salt and ground pepper before cooking to ensure an even distribution of flavors.

Choosing the Right Pan

Cooking Process

Selecting the right pan is essential for achieving a sear when cooking your steak.

For results, choose a pan that can withstand heat levels and distribute heat evenly across its surface. Some popular options include;

Cast Iron Skillet

A seasoned cast iron skillet is often recommended for searing steaks due to its heat retention and naturally nonstick surface. Preheating cast iron pans to temperatures ensures that the steak sears upon contact.

Stainless Steel Pan

Stainless steel pans are also a choice for searing steaks. Look for a high-quality pan that can handle temperatures without warping or staining. Although not as non-stick as cast iron, a preheated stainless steel pan can still produce a sear.

Carbon Steel Pan

Carbon steel pans combine the heat retention properties of iron with the look of steel.

They have the ability to develop a sear and create a stick surface over time through proper seasoning and maintenance.

Regardless of the pan you choose, make sure it can be used in the oven if you plan to complete the cooking process 

The Cooking Process

Cooking Process

Now that you’ve selected your cut of steak prepared it and chosen your pan it’s time to understand how to cook steak, on the stovetop. Below is a step-by-step guide to achieving a cooked steak on the stovetop;

Preheating the Pan

Ensuring your pan is well heated is crucial for achieving that desired sear. Place your pan on the heat source. Allow it to heat up completely before adding any oil or placing the steak in it. You’ll know it’s ready when a drop of water sizzles. Quickly evaporates upon contact with its surface.

Adding Oil or Butter

Once your pan has reached the temperature, add some high-heat oil or butter. Options like avocado oil, grapeseed oil, or clarified butter (ghee) are suitable for searing due to their ability to withstand temperatures. Swirl the oil or butter around in the pan to coat its bottom evenly.

Searing the Steak

Carefully place your steak in the pan using tongs or a spatula to avoid any splattering from the oil.

You should hear a satisfying sizzle once the steak hits the pan. Let it sear without any movement, for 2–3 minutes or until a nice brown crust forms on the bottom.

Grilling and Basting

Using tongs, turn the steak over. Sear the side for another 2 to 3 minutes. If there’s fat in the pan from the steak, you can tilt it. Spoon some of that hot fat over the steak to enhance both its crust and flavor.

Checking for Doneness

The cooking time will depend on how thick your steak is and how well cooked you prefer it. Use a meat thermometer to check its temperature. Here are the recommended temperatures for levels of doneness;

  • Rare; 120 125°F (49 52°C)
  • rare; 130–135°F (54–57°C)
  • Medium; 140–145°F (60–63°C)
  • Medium well; 150–155°F (66–68°C)
  • Well done; 160°F (71°C) and, above

Keep in mind that the temperature will rise slightly after removing the steak from heat so aim for 5°F (3°C) below your desired level of doneness.

This method of cooking typically takes, between 30 minutes and an hour, depending on the thickness of the steaks.

Resting the Steak

Once you’ve cooked the steak to your liking, move it to a cutting board or plate. Let it sit for 5–10 minutes. Allowing the steak to rest helps the juices spread evenly throughout the meat, making it tastier and more succulent.

Finishing Touches

After resting, you can enhance the flavor by topping your steak with a compound butter, like herb or cheese butter. Just place a spoonful of the butter on top of the steak. Let it melt, infusing the meat with an extra kick of taste.

Advanced Techniques

Grilled Steak

While following the stovetop method outlined above will result in delicious steak, some techniques can elevate your culinary skills:

Reverse Searing

Reverse searing is a method where you first cook the steak slowly in the oven until it is slightly undercooked, then sear it on high heat on the stovetop for a perfect crust. This approach ensures that your steak is evenly cooked inside while achieving a crispy exterior.

To reverse sear, preheat your oven to 275°F (135°C). 

Place the steaks on a wire rack over a baking sheet. Cook them until they are 10 15°F (6 8°C) below your desired level of doneness. This slow cooking process may take around 30 minutes to an hour, depending on how thick the steaks are. 

After reaching the desired temperature, remove the steaks from the oven. Allow them to rest for 10 minutes. While waiting, heat up a cast iron skillet or another suitable pan over heat until it becomes very hot.

Add an amount of oil or fat to the pan, then gently place the steaks in it. Sear each side for 1–2 minutes until a crust forms. Since the steaks are already mostly cooked internally, they just need searing on each side.

The reverse searing method not only ensures cooking throughout the steak but also helps in achieving a crust without overcooking the inside.

Basting with Aromatics

Incorporating ingredients like garlic, herbs, or butter while basting your steak can elevate its taste on the stovetop. During cooking, tilt the pan slightly. Use a spoon to gather the fat and continuously pour it over the steak to maintain moisture.

For an added burst of flavor, you may consider adding cloves of herbs such as thyme or rosemary, or even a touch of butter, to the hot pan, before basting.

The heat will mix these ingredients with the fat, allowing you to coat the steak as you prefer.

Finishing in the Oven

While some steaks can be fully cooked on the stovetop, thicker cuts may benefit from finishing in the oven after searing. This method helps create a crispy crust while ensuring that the inside is cooked perfectly.

After searing both sides of your steak, transfer either the pan (if oven-safe) or just the steak itself to an oven at 400°F (205°C). Cook until it reaches your desired temperature, using a meat thermometer to check its doneness along the way.

Once your steak is cooked to your liking, remove it from the oven. Let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes before slicing and serving.

Steak Doneness and Carryover Cooking

Understanding carryover cooking is crucial when preparing steaks on the stovetop. Carryover cooking refers to the continued cooking process that occurs once the steak is removed from heat. The internal temperature of the steak continues to rise as heat spreads inward from its layers.

To factor in carryover cooking, take your steak off heat when it is 5°F (3°C), below your desired level of doneness.

If you’re craving a steak, make sure to take it off the heat once it hits 125°F (52°C).

Give the steak a rest for 5–10 minutes after cooking to allow for carryover cooking. Keep this in mind when planning your meal timing.

Pairing Sauces and Sides

While a cooked steak can stand alone, enhancing it with sauces and sides can elevate the dining experience. Here are some delicious options to consider;


  • Chimichurri; A sauce made with parsley, garlic, olive oil, and red wine vinegar that adds an herbal kick, to your steak.
  • Béarnaise; A classic French sauce made with egg yolks, butter, and herbs that pairs perfectly with a seared steak.
  • Peppercorn Sauce; An iconic steak sauce featuring brandy, cream, and plenty of peppercorns for a spicy flavor profile.
  • Red Wine Reduction; Cook down wine with beef stock, butter, and aromatic ingredients to create a sauce that complements the richness of your steak.

Side Dishes

  • Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes; mashed potatoes infused with roasted garlic make, for a side dish that pairs well with steak.
  • Sauteed Mushrooms; Savor the flavors of mushrooms cooked in butter and garlic as a side dish to complement your steak.
  • Grilled Asparagus; Indulge, in the crispiness of grilled asparagus seasoned with a touch of olive oil and salt, providing a contrast to the richness of the steak.
  • Roasted Brussels Sprouts; Enjoy crispy Brussels sprouts paired with bacon or pancetta for an added dimension that enhances the taste of the steak.

Cooking a steak on the stovetop involves more than following instructions; it’s about mastering techniques and principles. Through dedication and practice, you can perfect your stovetop steak cooking skills, achieving restaurant-quality results in your kitchen.

Tips and Techniques for Flawless Stovetop Steaks

In addition to honing your stovetop steak cooking methods, incorporating some tips can help ensure your steaks turn out perfectly every time.

Utilize a Meat Thermometer

A thermometer is a tool when preparing steaks on the stovetop. Estimating doneness, by touch or appearance can be challenging, for beginners. A meat thermometer eliminates guesswork by enabling you to monitor the temperature of your steak and remove it from heat at precisely the right moment.

Remember to allow your steaks some time after you season them with salt before you begin cooking. Allowing them to rest for 30 minutes allows the salt to penetrate the meat, creating a crust when seared. This resting period also helps draw out moisture from the steak, enhancing the cooking process.

To achieve that sear, consider using a combination of oils with smoke points. Start by heating an oil like avocado or grapeseed oil to initiate the cooking process. Once your steak is in the pan, you can add a touch of butter or olive oil for flavor and richness, despite their smoke points.

To enhance the flavor profile further, try brining your steaks by seasoning them with salt. Let them sit uncovered on a wire rack in the refrigerator for hours or up to 24 hours. This simple method can significantly enhance the taste of your steaks. When you apply salt to the steaks, it helps extract moisture, which is then reabsorbed into the meat, with the salt intensifying its flavor.

Spice Up Your Steaks

In addition to brushing your steaks with drippings and melted butter, you can enhance their flavor by adding herbs, garlic, or other aromatic ingredients to the pan. Whole sprigs of thyme, rosemary, sage, or crushed cloves can infuse the basting fat with their aromas and flavors, taking your steak to the next level.

Experiment with Seasoning Mixes

While salt and pepper are choices, don’t be afraid to try seasoning blends to elevate your steak’s taste. Mixing smoked paprika, cumin, and garlic powder can introduce a flavor profile, while a blend of dried herbs like thyme or oregano can add an herbal twist. There are possibilities to explore when it comes to seasoning combinations.

Perfect the Cross Hatch Searing Technique

For a presentation and an extra burst of flavor, practice the crisscross sear method. After searing one side of your steak, rotate it 90 degrees before searing to create a pattern of grill marks. Repeat this process on each side of the steak, not for aesthetics but to maximize the surface area for developing a delicious crust.

Allow Steaks Ample Rest Time

It’s important to allow your cooked steaks to rest properly so they stay juicy and tender. Remember, giving your steaks a 5 10 minute rest before slicing helps the juices spread evenly throughout the meat.

Be cautious not to let the steaks rest long, as they might continue cooking and become overcooked. Aim for a resting time of, around 5 to 7 minutes for results.

By following these tips and techniques in addition to the cooking methods discussed earlier in this piece, you’ll soon master the art of making steaks, at home that can rival those served in restaurants.

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Will Frost

Will Frost

When Will is not behind the grill at one of his two Texas Steakhouses, He can be found exploring new recipes, researching the latest grilling gadgets, or sharing his culinary adventures on social media. Join Will Frost on as he embarks on a flavorful journey, unlocking the secrets to mastering outdoor cooking and creating unforgettable meals that bring people together.

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